Pas encore abonné à ce blog? Saisissez votre adresse e-mail pour vous abonner! Adresse e-mail Abonnez-vous Rejoignez 44 milliers d’autres abonnés Vue(s): 1 544 Vacancy Announcement: Up until July 30, 2024, QSI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF TOGO is accepting applications for a part-time primary French second language teacher. Applicants should meet the following criteria: Be in possession of a French language degree from a recognized university Have a teaching certificate or credentials Have at least five years of teaching experience Be in possession of a valid Togo ID card Be willing to learn and embrace QSI’s methodology and mastery learning pedagogy Be willing to teach other subjects, such as physical education, and fulfil other general school related tasks Attend workshops, workdays and seminars Have good communication skills and work well as a team member Have a passion for teaching children. Applications should be in the form of an introductory application letter in English, an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV), and copies of the following documents: – university degree – teaching certificate – Togo ID – References. To be emailed to togo@qsi.org or dropped off at the school. NB: Priority is given to female candidates. For more information contact the school office via WhatsApp at … Lire la suite de QSI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF TOGO recrute-30/07/2024
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