Vue(s): 795 ASKY is recruiting Pilots (Captains B737 NG) I- POSITION TITLE : Captains QUALIFICATION: B737 NG QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT Captains B737NG a) Current FAA/EASA/ICAO ATPL b) Minimum total flying hours 4000 Hrs c) Minimum total PIC hours on multi-pilot airplane 2000 Hrs d) Minimum total PIC hours on Type B737NG, 1000 Hrs e) Valid licence f) Valid B737 NG Type rating g) English ICAO level 4 or more. h) Age: maximum 55 The application must include: – a letter of motivation – A curriculum vitae – A copy of birth certificate and Passport – Copies of all diplomas and certificates – Licence, medical certificate valid – Company application form (To be filled) Send your application to the following address: BP 2988 LOME – Togo or Email: For applications sent by mail, please clearly indicate the position you are applying for on the envelope. Only selected candidates will be contacted. Lire aussi: L’UNICEF recrute-07/10/2024 (Sénégal) Pour plus d’offres, rejoignez-nous sur TikTok et sur notre Chaîne WhatsApp
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