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ASKY Airlines is recruiting-29/11/2024

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ASKY Airlines is recruiting a IT Cybersecurity Assistant


IT Cybersecurity Assistant

II-             THE ROLE

  • Monitor systems for anomalies and potential threats.
  • Implement security strategies to prevent data breaches.
  • Analyze security incidents and identify their causes.
  • Assist IT teams to resolve security issues.
  • Assist in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities through regular scans and security updates.
  • Conduct security audits to assess compliance.
  • Attend employee cybersecurity awareness raising
  • Research new security technologies and methods to improve protection.
  • Contribute to compliance with security standards and regulations such as GDPR, ISO 27001, etc.
  • Stay updated on security threats and market trends.


  • Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Cybersecurity, at least a bachelor’s level.
  • Professional experience in cybersecurity, often through internships or previous positions.
  • Cybersecurity certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or others.
  • Strong knowledge of networking, operating systems, security technologies, and data protection legislation.
  • Minimum 3 years working experience in cybersecurity domain
  • Speak fluently French and English

     Send your application to the following address:

  • Email:  askyrecrutement@flyasky.com

The application must include:

  • A letter of motivation
  • A Curriculum vitae
  • A copy of birth certificate
  • A copy of certificate of nationality
  • Copies of all diplomas and certificates

Deadline for submission : 29 novembre 2024


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Avis de recrutement (5 postes)

SES TOGO recrute-22/11/2024 (02 postes)


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